The Vision and Mission of the Department of Industrial Design & Production Engineering of the University of West Attica is to offer high-quality education to its students and to promote knowledge and research in the field of Industrial Design & Production Engineering. The Department of Industrial Design & Production Engineering aims to produce new knowledge and contribute to the development of science and technology, through the preparation of original research, both independently and within the framework of national and international/European research collaborations, and contributes to the regional and national development of production, economy, and society, through extroverted actions and collaborations with public and private bodies.
The members of the Department work and collaborate under the Department’s values and goals, embrace its Vision and Mission, adopt common policies and practices, and participate in continuous improvement processes.
The Department of Industrial Design & Production Engineering recognizes Quality as the main means for achieving high-level educational and research work; is committed to ensuring Quality in all its academic, educational, and research activities; recognizes the contribution of Quality as a means for strengthening equal access to knowledge, extroversion, international recognition and cooperation with productive entities.
The Department of Industrial Design & Production Engineering of the University of West Attica is committed to implementing a Quality Policy (QP), that supports the academic profile and orientation of its study programs, promotes its purpose and object, implements its strategic goals and determines the means, actions, and methods of achieving them, and applies the appropriate internal and external quality procedures with the ultimate goal of its continuous improvement.
The Department of Industrial Design & Production Engineering of the University of West Attica:
- is harmonized with the Foundation’s Strategic Plan and is aligned with the Department’s strategic goals, at an academic, research, and administrative level,
- is recognized and supported by all members of the academic community
- is specialized and monitored through specific goal setting.
For the implementation and application of the Quality Policy, the Department of Industrial Design & Production Engineering is committed to implementing procedures that will ensure:
- the integrity of the structure and organization of the Study Programs it offers in compliance with the criteria set by the applicable legislation and determined by the National Authority for Higher Education.
- the pursuit of learning outcomes and qualifications under the European and National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education,
- the continuous improvement of the educational process and the effectiveness of teaching work,
- the connection between teaching and research and the ways of connecting teaching and research,
- the orientation towards fully satisfying the needs of students through the provision of high-level education in a wide range of subjects,
- the excellence of the qualifications of the teaching staff
- the promotion of the quality and quantity of the research work of the members of the academic unit, 8. the connection of teaching with research,
- the level of demand for the acquired qualifications of graduates in the labor market,
- the quality of support services, such as administrative services, academic services (e.g. library services, laboratories, etc.), and student welfare services,
- the application of academic principles of ethics and the prevention of discrimination at all levels, as well as transparency at all levels and by all human resource groups,
- the production of high-level research, the promotion of collaborations and the exploitation of results for the benefit of society, and the strengthening of extroversion by promoting new collaborations at the local, national,l and international levels.
Ensuring the implementation of the Department’s CP is carried out through an annual review and internal inspection, by the members of the Department’s Internal Evaluation Team (OMEA), in collaboration with the Quality Assurance Unit (MODIP) of the Institution.
The commitment of the Department’s CP is made known to the members of the academic community through its posting on the Department’s website. It is also communicated electronically and in print to all interested parties (teachers, researchers, students of all study cycles, administrative staff, technical staff, associates, university scholars, collaborating professionals, research, academic and social bodies). Through its publication, the aim is to ensure the consent and active involvement of all in the envisaged procedures. The Department’s CP is also made known to first-year students, as part of the welcome days organized at the beginning of each academic year.
For the implementation of the Department’s Quality Policy, Quality Monitoring Indicators for the offered Study Programs have been established, which are in line with the corresponding objectives of the University.